Lelek USA

The Lord our God, He is One Lord

Email: dhlelek@lelek.us

My grandparents on my father’s side were immigrants to the USA from what was known at that time as Czechoslovakia—now the Czech Republic.  My grandfather, Blazej Lelek arrived in New York on October 6, 1908—almost 100 years ago now.  It is my understanding that he was a barber and played cello part time in an orchestra in NYC for awhile. 

He married my grandmother, Mary Holoubeck in 1910 and moved to a homestead about 15 miles east of Roy, Montana in the spring of 1912.  He and several other men were partners in a threshing machine and steam engine, farming their homesteads and apparently helping neighbors farm their land.  A threshing machine was a forerunner to the combine.

My Dad, Ernest, was the youngest of four sons.  He was born September 2, 1926.  During WWII all of the sons joined the military.  Dad joined the Marines, and was stationed in  the Pacific where he fought against the Japanese forces. 

He & my mom, Wanda Jean Fox married in 1948 as near as I can determine.  I was born in 1949.  They divorced a short time after I was born.  My mom remarried and my stepfather shot her in a jealous rage with a carbine rifle, as I lay in a crib a short distance away.  She died a short time later.

I was kept by her sister, my Aunt Juanita and some friends—the McPhails at that time.  Shortly thereafter, my Dad was awarded custody and I stayed with my Uncle Vic & Aunt Teddy while Dad came to Texas to find work. 

He and my stepmother, Delois Cherry, married, came and got me -  and I have lived in Texas ever since.

I married my wife, Oma Rich on November 28, 1969.  We have two children, Jeremy & Tammy. 

Jeremy married Lynne Hechman and they have 3 wonderful children, our grandchildren.  Aaron - age 7, Caleb - age 4 & Hannah - age 1.

Much of our time is taken up by our grandchildren these days.

And yes — family does matter!!


Text Box: If anyone reads this brief history and has any more details regarding my grandparents, parents, or my early childhood, please contact me by email so I can review them and include relevant facts in my family history.  
                          - David

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Text Box: Anyone with the last name Lelek—feel free to contact me and tell me a little about yourself.  Prior to the advent of the Internet, we thought we were the only Lelek family in the USA.  I would also like to hear from anyone named Lelek in Eastern Europe.
- David





I just got in touch with my cousin, Nancy, in Montana last week.  I haven’t heard from my family in Montana in more than 20 years.  We exchanged emails.  The Internet can be a wonderful thing.  It was great to hear from her and catch up on some family news over the past two decades.  Nancy and her husband, Herb are grandparents.  Wayne & his wife are grandparents.  Aunt Ethel is 95 now.  I still remember going up and staying with them on vacations when we were kids.  I also remember Uncle Charles and Aunt Ethel coming to Texas to visit.  Uncle Charles was always calling my kids “Little Twerps” — or something like that — when they came to Texas.